
This document summarizes the steps taken to configure Home Manager on NixOS, manage Doom Emacs, and solve various issues encountered during the setup.

Setup and Configuration

  • Edited home.nix to include necessary packages and configurations.
  • Configured paths for Emacs and Doom Emacs.
  • Added Konsole theme configuration.

Dealing with Permissions

  • Adjusted permissions for the ~/.local/share/doom/state/logs directory:

    sudo chown -R rob:users ~/.local/share/doom/state/logs
    sudo chmod -R u+w ~/.local/share/doom/state/logs

Managing Doom Emacs

  • Added Doom Emacs configurations to home.nix.
  • Created custom activation script for Doom sync:

    home.activation.doom_sync = lib.mkAfter ''
      if [ -x ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.emacs.d/bin/doom ]; then
        export PATH=${config.home.homeDirectory}/.nix-profile/bin:$PATH
        ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.emacs.d/bin/doom sync

Konsole Theme

  • Ensured the Dracula Konsole theme was properly referenced in home.nix:

    home.file.".local/share/konsole/Dracula.colorscheme".source = ./themes/konsole/Dracula.colorscheme;
  • Resolved issues with adding the theme to the repository:

    git rm -rf --cached .themes/konsole


After adjusting permissions and paths, and correctly configuring Home Manager and Doom Emacs, all issues were resolved successfully.
